Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wegman’s Kosher Deli Department is in Passover Mode!

I live out in the mountains of Virginia. Most of my congregation lives just a little bit closer to civilization, but it's still not easy for most members to find Passover specific foods. Recently, I made a tour of our local Wegman's supermarket's Kosher Department, and provided the following report in our congregational news letter:

It is my fervent hope that you will patronize the department WHETHER OR NOT you keep a “Kosher for Passover” home.  Purchasing Passover foods at Wegman’s will ensure that those WHO DO will continue to have a source for Kosher and “Jewish” products in the future.   

On Wednesday, April 9, the Kosher Deli Department will be ridding itself of all chumatz!  Starting on Thursday, April 10, everything in the deli case will be made with Kosher for Passover ingredients.  While their deli is not under rabbinical supervision, their “Deli Guy” was sent by Wegman’s to “Kosher School” where he learned the fundamentals of Kashrut. 

In addition to the Deli Counter, Wegmans has laid in a full range of Passover foodstuffs!  Check out the refrigerated case across from the Kosher Deli Department!  In addition to a full spread of smoked fish, salami and Matzah Balls you’ll find Kosher for Passover:

Sweet Tzimmes
Carrot Tzimmes
Roaster Vegtable Kugel
Broccoli Kugel
Potato Kugel
Spinach Kugel
Apple Matzah Kugel
Sweet Potato Pie
Broccoli Souffle

The kiosk in front of the Kosher Deli Counter is layered with packages of Kosher for Passover cakes and cookies.

At the back of the store are two free -standing displays with ritual items, kosher wine and grape juice and the five-pound industrial size package of Matzah.  Also displayed are Passover macaroons, plates, napkins, toys and puzzles, borsht, potato pancake mix, marshmallows,  cake mixes, crackers, yahrzeit candles, and Passover Coca Cola (made with sugar instead of the usual corn syrup – look for the yellow cap!)  In addition to all the traditional Pesach candy, are my own personal favorites, Chocolate Locust and Chocolate Frogs.

Wishing you all a Sweet and Kosher Passover,
Rabbi Rose

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