Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Racial Identity? Which Box Should She Check?

“Which box should I check?” The 17 -year -old Junior was filling out college applications.  Straight- A student.  Student Council President.  Salutatorian. Community Service Hours for wonderful causes and a delight to have in class.

Which box.  White or Hispanic.  Which box would get her into the best school?  Which box might get her a scholarship?  Which box should she play... it was like betting in Vegas...

There was no Jewish box.  But it wasn’t too long ago that universities had Jewish quotas, especially for Medical School Admissions. There certainly was no box for a girl whose family of Sephardic Jews had left Turkey for Greece... only to escape to Cuba during World War II.  In Florida, this made her a “Jewban”... a rare breed of Jew only found on Miami’s South Beach, and there was no box for that either.  She wasn’t White.  She wasn’t Hispanic.  She was Jewish, which doesn’t seem to be a “race” unless you are playing the race card, as in the “Jewish Race” a.k.a. “Anti-Semitism.

As a white Jewish girl from Miami with a straight A average, she was just one more applicant.  But as an Hispanic Refugee from Cuba with a straight A average... she became extremely “hot” in the world of top 10 university freshman class profiles.

I could only offer one suggestion.  Check Hispanic.


Rabbi Rose Lyn Jacob

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