Earlier in the Book of Exodus God gave Moses instructions and dimensions, building materials, plans for the altar, and a list of paraphernalia to use by the priests. Think of it, if you will, as an extensive list of materials to pick up from Home Depot along with a set of construction blue prints.
In this week’s double portion Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei, the plans now fall to the hands of those whom God has imbued with wisdom. Wisdom? In this case it is the wisdom to build and create… the wisdom of the architect and the artist. “Moses summoned Bezalel and Oholiav [the chief artists] and every man who was wise of heart.” (There were also ‘wise women’ who had the unique talent of being able to spin wool directly from the body of a goat… no easy feat.)
I can tell you, from personal experience, that blueprints NEVER build themselves, and that the people capable of conceiving and executing them are truly blessed with wisdom; from math to aesthetics, from manipulating loads to fine motor skills!
And so God’s blueprint was just that, a blueprint, the work of a draftsman. Without intelligent, talented people to bring the drawings to life, they remained on the page. Unlike the temples and shrines of other religions that are the domain of a priestly or royal few, THIS tabernacle is, from the ground up, a community building experience. Yes, the community builds it, and is BUILT BY IT! It is the cooperative nature of the building process that is so unique. The people have “buy-in.”
While just a short time prior to this the Israelites had pooled their efforts, out of in security to make the golden calf, they have now converged to create a sense of security by building a portable home so that God might dwell amongst them in their community. And just as God had given them holy and appointed TIME. Now God gives them a Holy and appointed PLACE.
Hope to see you in Torah Study!