Time To Plan Your
Thanksgiving Seder? Turkey and Football are Not Enough!
By Rabbi Rose Lyn
No one knows
exactly what happened at the first Thanksgiving, but we are pretty
sure that God
was on the guest list! Along the way,
Thanksgiving, like so many American Holidays, has lost much of its
original meaning; getting lost somewhere between the Macy’s
Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Butterball Turkey Preparation HOTLINE
and a day of uninterrupted Football Observance.
That is WHY you
NEED a Thanksgiving
Seder! Wait, you’re thinking
Passover Seder? Right? Well, the word SEDER simply means “order.”
The Passover Seder gives you the order of the ritual and story
telling. Your Thanksgiving Seder
gives “order” to the meal, by reflecting on its spiritual and
historical messages through words and symbols.
You don’t have
to be Jewish to have a Thanksgiving Seder; the values are shared by
all. The history is the same, but how we each relate to Thanksgiving
may be different. So here are a few ideas for starting your own
ritual… to be shared either at your own table, or to bring as an
idea to friends and family:
- Tell the Story. Tell the highlights of the story of the Pilgrims leaving for the New World so that they could practice their religion in their own way.
- Go around the table and ask where your ancestors came from, and when they came to America… and WHY they came!
- Put a clear container of salt water on the table to remind everyone about the perilous journey that each new immigrant had to make to come to this wonderful land of Freedom.
- Have a Glass of Thanks. Let everyone say something they are thankful for, and add a drop!
- Place an ear of corn and some cranberries on a plate to symbolize the first Thanksgiving. The cranberries symbolize the first harsh winter. The corn reminds us that had the Native Americans not taught us how to grow, store and cook corn, we would have starved.
- Open the front door and have someone say these words from Emma Lazarus’ “New Colossus” the words written on the base of the Statue of Liberty.
me your tired, your poor,
huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
- And don’t forget to leave an empty chair somewhere in the room– to symbolize that there is always room for one more new American!
- Start your meal with a blessing, and end with a blessing…. the blessing of your choice, a blessing of your own making. Thank God that you, your ancestors, your children, have the good fortune to live in a land that protects and defends your right to pray as you wish, without fear. As Jews, it is a blessing of which we should never lose sight.
Have a Happy and
Meaningful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Rabbi Rose Lyn
Jacob © 2012